
Different Factors That Cause Weight Gain


Gaining weight is often seen negatively. There are many stereotypical reasons that people assume are the cause of weight gain. Some assume the person is “just being lazy” or is “eating too much.” However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), different factors cause weight gain and affect weight management.

As a trusted provider of medical services in Meridian, Mississippi, we want to help people understand their weight gain to help them manage their weight better. Here are the factors listed by the CDC that may be causing your weight gain:

  1. Environment
    Some people live in places inappropriate for doing exercises. Some places might have narrow streets that are unsafe for walking or jogging. Living near a medical clinic that provides weight management services also helps encourage people to live healthily.
  2. Genetics
    While genetics can cause your weight gain, it is usually paired with behavior such as more food intake and less physical activity. Our nurse practitioners can be the visiting physicians in Mississippi to check your health in the comfort of your home. They can advise some healthy behaviors to help you manage your weight.
  3. Disease and Medication
    Some diseases like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can cause weight gain. Medication like antidepressants may also cause the patient to put on some weight.

Weight gain is not as simple as we think it is. We should encourage them to practice a healthy behavioral lifestyle instead of shaming or judging people for putting on some extra pounds. HealthCareOnTheGo LLC is here to help. We provide trusted medical and psychiatric services.

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